
External Exhibitions – St Wilfrid’s Hospice and Sage House

As many of you know our beautiful imagery adornes the walls of St Wilfrid’s Hospice and Sage House, enhancing the day to day lives of the residents, relatives, visitors and staff alike.

As your new External Exhibitions Secretary (a job-share with Guy Turner) I’ve taken on the responsibility of curating these little exhibitions after the marvellous Hilary Featherstone steps back from the role after a number of years. It’s charming to think our prints help people in the challenging environment of a hospice and all that signifies and I look forward to continuing the tradition.

To do this we need YOUR help! We need 45 of your 40×50 mounted prints for an (approximately) 6 month loan please, so start rummaging in your old print boxes under the bed or put aside some of your exhibition images or competition prints from last year…

There are some guidelines as you make your choices:

•⁠ ⁠Sage House looks after dementia patients and abstract images cause more problems than they do good apparently – so none of those – thank you

•⁠ ⁠Feedback from St Wilfred’s and the lovely manageress Emma who I met with yesterday says that black & whites don’t go down so well but colourful cheerful uplifting images are just the ticket. Landscapes, wildlife, seascapes and flowers are just perfect.

Thank you to everyone who has donated previously – the prints will be returned as soon as we’ve enough new prints donated to do the swap-over! I have to say, they did look good as we looked round St Wilfred’s yesterday.

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