Uploading PDIs for Competitions

When entering for either Print or PDI competitions members shall be required to upload PDIs of the correct size (this is normally now 1600×1200, but see below) and format (JPEG, sRGB) this page explains how to resize images before uploading them.

We use software provided by PhotoComp to collect and project images for competitions. The URL for the Upload site is always found here (Upload Site URL).

A document has been produced explaining how to actually upload your images. This document can be found here:  Uploading PDIs to PhotoComp Upload Site.  Note that the sizes in this document are just a guide as they vary according to the projector we use or if they will be viewed on a TV. The new projector (purchased December 2017) requires entries maximum size 1600×1200, the TV (used for exhibitions) requires 1920×1080. The old size 1400×1050 is still acceptable, but will project slightly smaller on the new projector.  This short video also shows you how to upload your PDIs.

As usual, if you have any problems please contact Jeff Owen  competitions@chichestercameraclub.org.uk.

Last updated: 19 September 2020