
AGM reminder and update

The AGM will be held by Zoom at 7:30pm on Thursday 11th May. Please attend if you can, to ensure that the meeting is quorate. The papers are available on the Club’s website. Log-in, then go to Documents>Published Documents>AGM Documents> 2022/23.

There are some late updates. I am pleased (and relieved) to report that Brian Muir has offered to become Treasurer and that David Harris will provide transitional support. Many thanks to you both.

Kevin Macknay’s name was omitted from the list of current members of the Management Committee. Sorry Kevin. He is also standing for the coming year and is proposed for Programme Secretary for 2024/25, to follow-on after Glyn Edmunds.

Finally, there is a reference in the Club’s Constitution to the Enprint Competition, which terminology should be updated to the Small Print Competition.

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