The Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held by Zoom on Thursday 11th May at 7:30pm. Please make every effort to attend, as our Constitution requires at least 25% of members for a quorum. Papers for the meeting are on our website. Go to Documents>Published Documents>AGM Documents>2022-23.
No members have proposed items for discussion, so the focus of the meeting will be on our finances and the election of officers and post-holders for next season. David Harris has produced his customarily clear (and sadly last) report on our financial position. We had expected to lose about £800 in the current year, which was affordable because of our reserves. The actual outturn is expected to be a loss of about £1,200, principally because of lower than budgeted membership. The cost of hiring Tangmere Community Centre has just increased by 10% and we are proposing a fee increase of £3 (4.7%) to £67 for the coming year. To meet our financial objective of breaking even in 2023/24, we will need to recruit 15 more members, which is about the same number as in the current year but still a challenging target.