Weekly Update
Happy New Year to you all. We hope that your photography will continue to develop with the great presentations, Special Interest Group programmes and of course entering the competitions that CCC is providing in 2025.
There are a few important posts attached to this Newsletter – please take time to read them and most important is that PAGB is next Monday 13th – not this evening.
Please can I ask you consider what volunteering you can do to spread the load of those who do so much and keep our Club as vibrant as it is. Look at the posts in your Tri-fold Programme – could you see yourself doing any of these? We would like to ensure some good succession planning so are looking for understudies whether or not you would like to step into the post eventually, it helps as I said to ‘Spread the Load.’ Volunteering, whether it is serving refreshments or being part of the exhibition installation gang is a great way to meet people, especially for newish members. Featured image is some of our lovely volunteers at last year’s North Mundham Exhibition. Please do come and chat to me or any of the postholders if you feel you can help. We look forward to hearing from you!
Best wishes, Sue Nash Chair