Weekly Newsletter 8.3.25
On Thursday evening we welcomed Peter Benson FRPS to our Club Zoom Meeting where he presented his talk entitled “Photography on the Darkside, London Nights” In the first part of his talk he illustrated the history of the birth of urban night photography with reference to his own fascinating family history with art and photography running through previous generations. He took us on a tour of London’s iconic riverside night skylines including a section on the West End with some interesting angles and standpoints that are not well know. There was also some useful information presented on how he uses exposure bracketing and hyper focal distance focusing techniques to capture his photographs. The effort and application required by him to create the beautiful images he presented was quite amazing – not a pursuit to be followed if you like your sleep !
Peter has offered a 15% discount on some of his photo puzzles to CCC members – the relevant details are in the news post below.
Congratulations to all PAGB Group members who did so well at the recent Southampton International Exhibition of Photography. There were quite a string of awards and acceptances , those receiving these are listed in Ann McDonald’s recent post below. Well done to all.
The Print and Presentation Group is at Tangmere on Tuesday evening with a prompt 7.30 start in the main hall with the usual opportunity for critique of prints but concentrating on panelling as the main theme for this meeting.
Just as a reminder March the 13th is the deadline for the 3rd Club and Intermediate PDI competition – please upload your images via PhotoComp in the usual way.