RPS Group
We’ll be in celebration mode at our October RPS Group meeting with Jonathan Fiske’s recent successful LRPS submission. Feedback from the assessment will be very useful for those developing portfolios, and this will cover not just what makes for successful panels but what lets images down.
You’ll be very welcome to join us, whether you’ve a number of images you are already thinking about as a submission or just to see what the group is about.
If you do have images to share, there’s no need to mount them, but backing them with card (white or cream is preferable) will help keep them on the print stands so we can see them best.
Join us in the small hall at Tangmere Village Centre at 7.15pm for 7.30 on Tuesday 18th October, £3 for Club Members and £4 for visitors.
The featured image is from Jonathan Fiske’s successful LRPS panel