We will be celebrating the return of our Annual Exhibition to the Assembly Room, Chichester with the Preview on Friday 5th August. This event for all Club Members, their guests and our invited friends from across the wider photographic world, features the presentation of the awards by our Judge for the Exhibition, Chris Palmer, FRPS; a preview of the digital entries and a first chance to see the print exhibition of some 300 images by over 50 authors.
A special feature this year will be the showing of Graham Sergeant’s award winning AV Beeswing. Graham, who gave so much to the Club and held two Fellowships of the Royal Photographic Society, died last month and is much missed.
There is also a buffet supper and Club members are asked to support the evening by bringing along a sharing plate to add to the mix.
After our pandemic enforced three year gap, we are very pleased to be greeting our invited guests from other clubs in Sussex and the SCPF come to see what Chichester has to offer and to meet old friends. It is vital that Chichester is well represented.
7.00pm for 7.30pm at the Assembly Room, North Street, Chichester, PO19 1LQ (closest parking Little London)