Print Group
The Tangmere Village Centre Malcolm Road, Tangmere, West Sussex, United KingdomPrint Group
Print Group
The first of 3 Club / Intermediate PDI Competitions held throughout the year. Judge for this evening will be Peter
Developer's Group
Our monthly meeting falls on the 17th October when we will continue to explore the RPS Distinctions routes including a
The World of Nature This talk centres around images taken mostly within an hours drive of Ian's home, trying to
Please note that this meeting has been moved to next week, Tuesday 31st October
1st Advanced PDI Competition. Rob came to photography at an early age through his father who was a life-long enthusiast.
This month we will look at developing and hopefully improving images in Lightroom and other programs as well as
Digital Group
Note this is now a Zoom Meeting Julia Wainwright will be giving a Zoom talk. Chichester Camera Club is inviting