PAGB Group
The Tangmere Village Centre Malcolm Road, Tangmere, West Sussex, United KingdomPAGB Group
PAGB Group
Demystifying Printing with Tim Jones Tim will take you through the basics of printing your own photographs at home. Starting
SCPF PDIs League 1: Judge Gordon Brown
This is the first of a series of inter club meetings/photo walks with Loughton Camera Club. This is a great
This months workshop will be on Sunday 13th November at 4.30 p.m. I’m sorry for the change of day but
RPS Group It will be double celebration this month as with the good news that new Member Richard Paterson who
Regnum Print Shield Competition - 17th November Judge : David Smith ARPS, President of the SPA Once again it
Developer's Group The next session the Developers' Group is on Monday November 21 in the Small Hall at Tangemere at
1st Club/Intermed Print Comp: Judge Guy Turner
John Bradshaw FRPS - This is inspired by the old radio programme "Your Hundred best Tunes" about classic music. These