Our monthly meeting falls on the 17th October when we will continue to explore the RPS Distinctions routes including a short update on the revised digital-only LRPS. The group will however continue to work in print for all the benefits that brings so come along and find out more, bring some prints if you are ready and see other more advanced portfolios to help understand how to meet the criteria for success.
Some of the group are now working towards Associateship and we will look at the criteria for the ARPS, which requires a ‘statement of intent’ and 15 images that deliver the stated purpose of the statement and that come within a defined genre, such as landscape, documentary or visual art.
We meet in the small hall at Tangmere Village Centre at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start. £3 for Club members and £4 for visitors.
Lorna Brown
The featured image is from Richard Patterson’s recent successful LRPS panel