The RPS Group welcomes all those who are interested in finding out more and working towards the distinctions offered by the Royal Photographic Society. We meet for our second session this season on Tuesday 15th October when we will be looking at some recent LRPS (Licentiate) and ARPS (Associate) awards and the underlying principles of making panels (that is a cohesive group pf images) at those levels.
You are welcome to simply come along to find out more, and when you are ready, to bring along a good wide selection of your photographs. These do not need to be full size (A5 or so is fine), but do please tack them onto some card as this helps keep them upright on the print stands we use.
Other members of the group are already well on their way to completed panels and our discussions of those will demonstrate further how to go about applying for these highly regarded distinctions.
You don’t need to be a member of Chichester Camera Club to join this (or indeed any of our Special Interest Groups).
Lorna Brown
The featured image is by Sara Nichol and formed part of her successful LRPS