Developer’s Group
The next Developers’ Group meeting of Chichester Camera Club is this coming Monday, 27 January at Tangmere Village Centre at 7.15 for 7.30pm prompt start.
Please send in your images to share at the meeting! They are already starting to arrive. The photo-challenge over December was ‘Photograph the light’. Perhaps you have made an image of the many festive lights, or night time shots around the streets. Anyway, but really do we want to see your best recent images of whatever subject or genre. It is a good idea to try out your images at the Developers’ Group before you put them into competitions … whatever you show to us is not counted as an ‘official Club entry’!
Please send 3 JPG images by WeTransfer (to – it gets round the problem that some of the email services degrade the image quality. Please send them by this Saturday 18 January.
Next Monday, our magazine programme will also include: ‘How to re-think exposure and settings’, ‘Seeing and handling light’ through the eyes of another classic painter, and important recommendations for improving your cameracraft. After the break, Andy Bracey will give us an illustrated tour “From where I was and how I got to where I am”. His presentation will be fascinating, and we will be able to identify with his photographic journey – picking up a load of great hints and tips along the way!
It will be another evening packed with ideas and tips for photographers at all stages. Do bring a handy notebook/device to jot down the things that grab your attention.
We very much look forward to receiving your images no later than midnight this Saturday, and seeing you next Monday, 27 January; and please remember the £3 cash to help us pay for the hire of the hall (if you are bringing a non-member then it is £5 for them).