ChairCompetition NewsNews

Competition Certificates of Merit – Members Views Sought

I announced at the last meeting that we have been considering possible changes to the procedures for issuing Certificate of Merit certificates in both PDI and Print competitions.  The current policy is that Certificates are printed and distributed to all members obtaining marks of 9, 9.5 and 10 in both PDI and Print competitions.  They are given to members publicly on the first Club meeting after the competition but if recipients are not present they are then distributed informally at meetings thereafter.  The present review has been actioned because many members do not seem very interested in picking up Certificates at all (often up to one third are never claimed) and after one recent competition the Print Secretary had to print 35 Certificates of Merit, at least half of which were never claimed.

In considering this situation the Management Committee appreciated that for some members receiving Certificates is very important, recognising their considerable work and achievement, but for others it is of little significance.  The following alternative options were suggested on which members views are now being sought:

  1. That printed Certificates are produced by the Print/PDI Secretaries and distributed only for those scoring 10 marks in both Print and PDI competitions;
  2. That Certificates are produced only for those scoring 10s in Print competitions where they can be attached to the back of the relevant print, but not for PDIs;
  3. That Certificates be produced for all scores of 9, 9.5 and 10 electronically but be made available only on the Website so that members who want them can print their own
  4. That the current policy and practice remains unchanged.

The Management Committee always seeks to manage in the best interests of the Club as a whole and by supporting the majority of members’ views and priorities.  I would be grateful to receive members’ comments on these 4 options within the next 2 weeks and in the light of responses received the matter will be considered further at the next Management Committee meeting on 11th March.  Any changes would not be implemented until the 2019 -20 Programme Year.

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5 thoughts on “Competition Certificates of Merit – Members Views Sought

  • Roger Barr

    I would vote for option 3 Mike, I think we all tend to have our own printers!

  • David Donati

    I would vote for option 3 with the facility for those without a printer to request a print to be delivered by post in a stamped self addressed envelope.

  • michael davison

    Option 3. At least they will be available for those requiring a record of the results for whatever reason.

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