
Thursday 19th April

Bristol Salon of Photography is one of the top international photographic exhibitions and its ‘roadshow’ forms a regular part of our programme, brought to us by Pete Howell and Carol Sykes. The 2018 Exhibition once again attracted applicants from across the world and the show we enjoyed last night really was a world-wide trip.  There were superb images from photographers from more than 50 countries in four categories; open colour, open monochrome, photo travel and nature.  We were treated to a wide selection from the successful entrants in all categories in a projected image format greatly enhanced by the carefully chosen sound track – what a difference some music makes!

The Club had a number of Members who had been successful in the Salon – and with an overall acceptance rate of less than 23%, that’s an achievement.  Last night’s show included work by Sheila Tester and Peter Rocchicciolli and with a particularly good showing by Ross Laney who had had five acceptances with three Honourable Mentions, one in mono and two in nature.  One Club Member who is a regular in any acceptance list is Ann McDonald – missing this time as she was one of the judges!

Pete and Carole will be back next year – and, I hope, once more with a good showing for Chichester!

A few key dates for the diary, with only four Club sessions left this season: 3rd May – there is no Club meeting (local elections) but this is the deadline for both PDI of the Year entries and formal proposals for the AGM.  10th May – the deadline for Annual Exhibition entries, boxes will be out for print submissions next week.

Penniless by Ross Laney, was awarded an Honourable Mention in Britol Salon of Photography.

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