Digital ImagingNews

Digital Group Meeting on 25th October

At our first meeting of the year on 27th September, a number of the new members made it known they needed help entering an image into one of the editing suits and how to take the first steps in image manipulation.

As a first steps guide, Sheila Tester will demonstrate how to do this using Lightroom. On Tuesday 22nd of November John Howes will demonstrate the same thing using Photoshop. These are two of the most successful photographers in the club and it is hoped those who requested these tutorials will attend.


Sheila will then give a tutorial on Cross Over Lighting which will involve multiple images, layers and masks in Photoshop. A not to be missed tutorial.

Ater the break Andy Dulson and Jan Davis will demonstrate Printer Profiling using the club’s Spyderprint equipment.


In the Small Hall at Tangmere Village  Centre at 7.30. Members £3.00. Visitors and those on the club waiting list will be very welcome with a charge of £4.00.